I have been unemployed since December of 2008. But by God's Good Grace I have had everything I've needed at all times, even if at times it seemed as though I was 'roughing it'. I have always had a knack for not feeling as though I lack when it something I lack in the physical. However, if you were to bring up the internal, I would tell you that more than a hundred times I have felt as though I have less than most others. In the last few months, however, I can tell you I have felt more rich internally than a normal human being. I am so blessed by the Most High. I have been given so many riches and have been lavished with so many gifts in my mere 21 years. It took me this long to realize it. Although I still have to really think about it from time to time, I know deep down in my spirit that I am a princess of the King. I deserve nothing less than what a princess deserves. I have to remember however that I don't get say in what I get, but I have the peace in knowing that if it is from God, it's the best that I could ask for or even think of. I am so grateful right now. I have a job! Win. But it's something that I am good at. I am praying that I can keep it for quite some time. I am hoping that I can bless God with this job and that I can move forward.
I have had the pure joy of being able to "rough it", it is time for me to walk with a humble regality now. I am a princess of the Most High, but I am still His lowly handmaiden, and if all I do with my life is serve Him with my whole heart? Well, then I can say that I have lived a glorious life.
I love this alot. :)